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CRAIG SELIG P. O. Box 11725 Fort Wayne, IN 46860 USA Tel. 1-260-749-4995 1-800-735-0073 craigselig at pnc3.com |
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1847usa | Here you'll find a website that contains a gold mine of information on US-stamps. I can only with that I had the free time to put something like this together myself. |
Joann Lenz | Here you'll find an interesting website that concerns itself with modern US material. Joann's a collector from Michigan, who's pulled together a lot of interesting information on her website. We've known one another for a while now. |
Photostamps from Stamps.com | Here you'll find some information regarding the new PhotoStamps from Stamps.com. |
stampalbums.com | Here you'll find a website where you can download album pages for a nomimal charge. |
EFO Book | Here you'll find a old but good book about EFOs. |
Nature of America Series | Here you'll find the website for the artist for the Nature of America series. |
Non-denominated Stamps and Stationery | Here's a nice summary of the values for the non-denominated stamps and stationery the USPS has brought out, available also as a pdf. |
USPS Dirty Laundry | I don't know how I stumbled across this one, but at the top of the page is a history of postal rates, and lower, there are all sorts of links to news reports and the like about the USPS' dirty laundry. Ever wonder, for example, why there are no clocks on the walls any more at any post office from Maine to Hawaii or Florida to Alaska. |
United States Philatelic Classics Society Library | Linn's wrote recently that the United States Philatelic Classics Society maintained an electronic library, from which one could download many of the publications on classic United States stamps. It is such a help to be able to obtain these books via the internet, which heretofore could be quite expensive and difficult to obtain in the secondary market. |
WMDs right here in Indiana | Listening to "The Dead Hand" book on tape by David E. Hoffman, I learned how we were cooking WMDs ourselves during WW II, not more than an hour's drive from where I grew up. They never learned us this in history class. Criminey, it would've made for a great field trip. Who would'a thought? |
English Errorrs | Here you'll find an interesting compilation of common usage errors in the English language. Here's a Link direct to the errors. |
Gabe Selig | Here you'll find my oldest son's website. It's still under construction, but he'll be pleased I gave him a link here. |
Erich Spiegelhalter | Here you'll find a special website! Spiegelhalter's a photographer from Germany who's got the most wonderful pictures, and a very cool website to boot. Take a look at the slide show from America! (It's in German - big surprise! So go to Diavorträge and them then the Diashow from America.) |
Internet Radio | Here you'll find a listing (that I at least like) of various internet radio stations. |
Internet TV | Here you'll find a listing of over 3,000 internet TV stations. |
Andreas Krause | Here you'll find some interesting stories from a German who normally lives in Switzerland but is currently working in the Garden State, New Jersey, last I knew. His comments speak for themselves. You can also read my thoughts about his write-up. |
The Strawbs Homepage | Here you'll find the Strawbs homepage, an interesting musical group from Great Britain. A friend turned me on to this group when I was groing up. I find much of their music to be quite satisfying. |
Postsecret | Postsecret.com isw an interesting website, which shows postcards with one's secret sent in anonymously to Postsecret in Germantown, Maryland. |